Powerful Asian Movie Lines

Innocent Man
Innocent Man Quotes, Innocent Man Lines

Jae-hee: What is it?

Ma-ru: What?

Ma-ru: I wanted to go on a date. I should have bought beer or coffee. Wait here. I'll go buy some. 

Jae-hee: It's okay. I'm fin. Just sit down. 

Ma-ru: Your hand is still ice cold... as always. You became a chairman and are everyone's envy, but you still can' fix this. Your cold hands... frustrated me and broke my heard the most... in the past.

Jae-hee: Ma-ru. 

Ma-ru: I had this thought. When you killed that man... and I ran over to the motel, what if I had made you.. turn yourself in that night? What if... I had you pay for what you did? What would've happened? I would have never left you. I would've waited for you, regardless of how long it would've been. I would've asked you to marry me. Would you have been happy then? It wouldn't have been often because of work, but we would've gone abroad... once or twice a year with Choco and Jae-gil. I would've withdrawn from my savings for a special occasion to buy you a designer bag that you wanted. We would've had steak and wine on your birthday. Would you have been happier then? Wouldn't you have been happier than you are now? That's the thought I had. 

That's when it all went wrong. Covering up what wasn't right. After that, you lost all sense of right and wrong, what you should and shouldn't do, and what lines you must never cross. You lost your judgement. You raced on like a car without any brakes. I'm sorry. I did this to you. What I thought was love back then was my childishness and my arrogance. I turned you... into this wretched monster. I'm sorry. I made you like this. 

Jae-hee: Ma-ru.

Ma-ru: I'll come back to you. I can't promise I'll love you, but I can stay by your side forever. As long as you don't expect love from me, then I'll go to you. Wherever you go, I'll wait for you and I'll understand. I'll be patient and I'll endure it all. I'll hold your hand and I'll hold you. Just put that useless heavy burden down. If you have to be punished, receive your punishment. I'll wait as long as it takes. So, will you come to me? 

Innocent Man, Episode 19
Song Joong-ki

Beethoven Virus
Beethoven Virus Quotes, Beethoven Virus Lines

Why do you keep your useless head if you get headaches? Get rid of it.

Gun-woo: Mr Kim Gap-yong.
Gun-woo: You played for the Seoul Philharmonic. Why did you retire?
My Age.
Gun-woo: How can you just leave at the age of 57?
The rules..
Gun-woo: Why didn't you play for another orchestra?
My age...
Gun-woo: That's an excuse.

Gun-woo: Why didn't you play for an orchestra after graduating college?
No one accepted me...
Gun-woo:  That's an excuse.

Gun-woo: Why didn't you go to music school?
My dad was sick so I had to work.
Gun-woo: What does your dad do? What does your siblings do?
I'm the only son and my mom fell in love with dancing. My dad was bedridden.
Gun-woo: he can't work if he's sick? He can't make ramen if he's in bed?
But he was bedridden. How could... 
Gun-woo: Why is it your responsibility? Children? Parents? You don't need them! Think only of yourself! 

Gun-woo: Why didn't you go to college? What should I expect from a pompous moron? 

Gun-woo: Be selfish! You're way too nice. You're not nice, you're stupid. You made a sacrifice because of your parents or your children? You're mistaken! Look what happened to you! You can't do what you want. You struggle financially, and you have a complex because you sacrificed yourself for others. You're neither nice nor stupid. You're cowards! You could have done it if you tried, but you made hundreds of excuses and ran away!  

Beethoven Virus, Episode 4
Kim Myung-min, Lee Ji-ah, and Jang Keun-suk

Kill Me, Heal Me
Kill Me, Heal Me Quotes, Kill Me, Heal Me Lines

The more a person has dark ambitions, he hides his true self.
Episode 2

Oh Ri Jin: The time when a person helps someone is not decided by the person who is giving the help, but the person who is receiving the help.

– Oh Ri Jin, Episode 8

Oh Ri-on: If you regret your choice or it gets too tough, run from it. Your choice is the best choice.

Oh Ri-on: What does first love mean to men? A guy's lucky if he can get over her on his first try. If he recalls it once, that means he still has lingering feelings. If he does it twice, that means he hasn't recovered from the heartbreak. If he does it three times, it means it had become a painful memory. And if he keeps going back and the memories get worn out, his heart will start tearing apart. And once it's torn apart, he'll just have to bear with it until he becomes numb to it.

Kill Me, Hean Me, Episode 19
Oh Ri-on

Itaewon Class
Itaewon Class Quotes, Kill Me, Itaewon Class Lines

Seung-gwon: Time pass by. Everything is the same. And I was sick of it. Like that... seven years have passed. Everyone is given the same amount of time but the depth of time he and I had spent were completely different.

Itaewon Class, Episode 4


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